Draft of the College's 2018-2023 Strategic Plan Presented to GCC's Board of Trustees

Batavia, NY (04/13/2018) — Warsaw, New York - "Framing Our Future" is the title of Genesee Community College's newly developed five-year Strategic Plan that was introduced to the College's Board of Trustees at the April monthly meeting held at the Warsaw Campus Center on Monday evening. As the current Strategic Plan "Success Through Collaboration 2013-2018" ages out, a 32-person team with broad representation from across the College has been working since last September to develop the next five-year plan.

"Everything the College does links to the umbrella of the Strategic Plan," Dr. James M. Sunser, president of GCC said. "From budget requests to goal setting, everything we do ties back to the Strategic Plan. The College has been very thoughtful with this planning process. It has been exhaustive and very inclusive."

Under the leadership of Strategic Planning Steering Committee co-chairs, Dr. Craig Lamb, dean of Distributive Learning and Tim Tomczak, professor and director of Social Sciences, the College has invested hundreds of hours in gathering data to guide the new plan. Over the past six months, Lamb and Tomczak organized 55 meetings, reviewed 500 surveys, and logged more than 450 miles traveling throughout Genesee, Livingston, Orleans and Wyoming Counties, College's four county service area. Thousands of pieces of data have been collected, a website introduced and extensive outreach to the community has been achieved.

Among the highlights of the plan are revised Mission and Vision Statements, and six core values that express what is happening in GCC classrooms and in the daily experiences of faculty, staff and students. In addition, five Strategic Priorities have been established and under each of these are Core Objectives. Across all departments these priorities become the road map by which each unit measures its success in tri-annual reports and develops annual goals or Plans of Achievement, as they are commonly known across campus.

"It is the essence and core of where this institution is going," Trustee Chairman Laura Bohm said. "And much gratitude goes out to you both" she directed to the two Strategic Plan co-chairs. The Board of Trustees will continue to review the plan over the next four weeks and at the May 2018 Board Meeting they will have the opportunity to further discuss "Framing Our Future," make recommendations or approve the new plan.

To review a copy of the current draft of GCC's 2018-2023 Strategic Plan, "Framing Our Future" go to: http://marketing.genesee.edu/images/FramingOurFuture_GCC2018-23 StrategicPlanOverview_DRAFT.PDF

In other business Monday evening, the Board of Trustees:

Approved the acceptance of several in-kind donations to the College including dresses and garments from ML Carr and Monroe's Place that will be used and repurposed by GCC's Fashion Design students; and several pieces of healthcare equipment donated by HoverTech International that will be used by students in the Nursing program.

Heard President Sunser report on the New York State budget. Under the leadership of both past and present chancellors, the State University of New York worked diligently to recommend an alternative formula for funding community colleges which is currently based on a student enrollment model and creates unpredictable funding strategies, as well as hardship on students. A new formula, similar to the annual appropriation for the four-year SUNY institutions would better position community colleges for the future. While this year's proposed State budget does not currently include a new funding formula for community colleges, President Sunser reported that an increase of $100 per full time equivalent (FTE) has been included, and he believes SUNY will continue to advocate for a new community college funding formula in the years to come.

Heard President Sunser describe the growing number of compliance reports mandated by state and federal government agencies that ensure the College's many departments are following all laws and regulations. This past year, GCC invested approximately 16,500 hours of staff time in compiling reports that ensure the institution is in full compliance. The cost of this staff time is estimated to be $428,000. Additionally, Vice President for Student and Enrollment Services Dr. Virginia (Ginny) Taylor reported that GCC is continues to embrace Title IX regulation by introducing new 'Safe Colleges' software, training dozens of staff members and student leaders, encouraging team support, and introducing the "Genesee: See It / Say It" campaign which helps the whole College community recognize sexual harassment and know what to do about it.

Heard Dr. Tom Priester, associate dean of the Wyoming County Campus Centers, share the new "Hallway Hoppin" initiative that is highlighting student success, College opportunities and helping build and boost the campus center communities. In addition, campus center associates are reaching out to local high schools helping students focus on their future and providing a useful, one-page Academic Success Map that outlines the academic pathway that will help them to reach their goals. Two GCC faculty members, Ray Boucher and Elizabeth Slocum, spoke about how campus centers play an integral role in the community by helping students realize their potential and overcome fears of attending larger colleges and universities. GCC student Jeremy Raymore of Machais, NY, who is also now taking classes at the University of Buffalo, reinforced this message by sharing his experience. Collectively, the multi-person presentation exemplified how GCC's campus centers provide a "holistic experience" built on a profound sense of comradery and personal connections.

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